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Start a Bank: Banks in Planning Stage

Start a Bank

Covers topics related to charter selection, filing a membership application, and certain challenges start-up institutions face.

  1. De Novo Bank Application Process
  2. Capital Requirements*
  3. Board of Directors — Profile and Core Characteristics
  4. Core Characteristics of a Management Team
  5. Officer/Director Background Checks
  6. Market Competition/Feasibility Study
  7. Demographic Analysis*
  8. Financial Projections
  9. Outsourcing and Vendor Management
  10. The Supervisory Process and Regulatory Relations
  11. Asset/Liability Management Committee
  12. Consumer Compliance
  13. Consumer Compliance Risk Management*
  14. Fair Lending*
  15. Risk Management*
  16. Bank Rating System*
  17. Enforcement Actions*
  18. Community Reinvestment Act*

* This topic is repeated in all stages of the bank life cycle.